Position and position series objects introduced by
coordinates and the geometry model discussed in
simple geometry chapters provide multiple ways to
manipulate coordinate data and access some common 2D cartesian geometric
This chapter guides you how to use the geometry model.
The following polygon geometry object is applied in all samples of this
This sample polygon illustrated:
Bounding box
The previous chapter explained how to access and
populate bounding boxes on geometry objects.
As a short recap let’s calculate a bounding box for our sample polygon.
You can calculate also the center point of a bounding box.
It’s also possible to calculate aligned points inside a bounding box, not only
the center point. Here are the aligment attributes:
x = The horizontal distance fraction.
The value -1.0 represents the west side edge of the box.
The value 0.0 represents the center horizontally.
The value 1.0 represents the east side edge of the box.
y = The vertical distance fraction.
The value -1.0 represents the south side edge of the box.
The value 0.0 represents the center vertically.
The value 1.0 represents the north side edge of the box.
Below Aligned(x: 0.5, y: 0.5) is used.
The centroid is - as by definition - a geometric center of mass of a
The centroid is computed according to dimensionality of a geometry:
areal geometries: weighted by the area of areal geometries like polygons.
linear geometries: computed from midpoints of line segments that are
weighted by the length of each line segment.
punctual geometries: the arithmetic mean of all separate positions.
Note that a centroid do not always locate inside a geometry.
The following sample shows how to calculate it for a polygon.
Also other geometry types provide centroid2D method.
The problem with centroids for polygons is that they do not always locate inside
a geometry.
To counter this issue Mapbox has developed an Open-Source algorithm called
polylabel that is a fast algorithm for
finding polygon pole of inaccessibility, the most distant internal point from
the polygon exterior ring.
For more background details please see also the
blog post
(Aug 2016) by Vladimir Agafonkin introducing the algorithm.
The geobase package has a ported version of this algorithm. Using it is as
easy as calling centroid.
The result position is inside polygon area and you also get a distance from
this point to the polygon outline.
The point-in-polygon algorithm can be used for checking whether a position
is inside a polygon:
polygons without holes: checks whether a position is inside a polygon outer ring
polygons with holes: checks whether a position is inside a polygon outer ring, but not inside any holes or inner rings
Distance to point
All geometry classes has also the method distanceTo2D that returns a
distance from a geometry to a destination position calculated in a cartesian 2D
The distance is computed according to dimensionality of a geometry:
areal geometries: a shortest distance to the outline of a polygon
linear geometries: a distance to the nearest line segment
punctual geometries: a distance to the nearest position
As noted this functionality is supported for other geometry types too.
Outline length
Polygons are formed of exactly one exterior or outer ring, and of 0 to N
interior or inner rings (holes).
You can calculate outline lengths of these rings too.
Naturally the length2D method can be applied to other geometry types too, like
line strings (polylines). There’s also a method called length3D that
calculates lengths in 3D coordinates if a geometry just contain Z or elevation
Polygon area
Calculating area for polygons is supported too.
Polygon data structure
Our sample polygon in all previous sample was defined earlier.
There are multiple constructors available on the Polygon class. The build
factory is defined in the library code:
That’s a lot of definition… But the key idea from this is that each ring
takes Iterable<double> with a list of coordinate values as input and is
transformed to a PositionSeries object when constructing a polygon.
Position series manipulation
The PositionSeries class is introduced in the
coordinates chapter.
You could create exactly the same polygon as used already also using code below.
It’s possible to modify position series objects before constructing actual
polygon geometry objects.
Other manipulation method shown by definitions.
PositionSeries objects contain 0 to N Position objects.
You can access position coordinate values easily.
Position manipulation
Position objects can also be manipulated in cartesian coordinate system using
operators and functions available.
Other options to apply coordinate transforms on position objects are to use
transform (with a custom transform as a parameter) or project (geospatial
projections, discussed in the separate
Calculations along the Earth surface
Cartesian geometry used in the previous section is not enough when measuring
distances between geographic positions located far apart.
The geobase package provides geodesy functions that are based on calculations
on a spherical
earth model (with errors up to 0.3% compared to an ellipsoidal earth model).
Distance, bearing, destination point and midpoint are provided both for
great circle paths and rhumb lines. Intermediate points, intersections and
areas are available for great circle paths only.