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🔷 Feature data interfaces

A diagram describing the most important interfaces and classes needed when interacting with API services compliant with the OGC API Features standard:

The OGC API Features client created by OGCAPIFeatures.http() for some endpoint has the following signature:

/// A feature service compliant with the OGC API Features standard.
abstract class OGCFeatureService {
/// Get meta data (or "landing page" information) about this service.
Future<OGCServiceMeta> meta();
/// Conformance classes this service is conforming to.
Future<OGCFeatureConformance> conformance();
/// Get metadata about feature collections provided by this service.
Future<Iterable<OGCCollectionMeta>> collections();
/// Get a feature source for a feature collection identified by [id].
Future<OGCFeatureSource> collection(String id);

The feature source returned by collection() provides following methods:

/// Get metadata about the feature collection represented by this source.
Future<OGCCollectionMeta> meta();
/// Get optional metadata about queryable properties for the feature
/// collection represented by this source.
/// Returns null if no "queryables" metadata is available for this feature
/// source.
Future<OGCQueryableObject?> queryables();
/// Fetches a single feature by [id] from this source.
/// An identifier should be an integer number (int or BigInt) or a string.
Future<OGCFeatureItem> itemById(Object id);
/// Fetches a single feature by id (set in [query]) from this source.
Future<OGCFeatureItem> item(ItemQuery query);
/// Fetches all features items from this source.
/// An optional [limit] sets maximum number of items returned. If given, it
/// must be a positive integer.
/// This call accesses only one set of feature items (number of returned items
/// can be limited).
Future<OGCFeatureItems> itemsAll({int? limit});
/// Fetches all features as paged sets from this source.
/// An optional [limit] sets maximum number of items returned. If given, it
/// must be a positive integer.
/// This call returns a first set of feature items (number of returned items
/// can be limited), with a link to an optional next set of feature items.
Future<Paged<OGCFeatureItems>> itemsAllPaged({int? limit});
/// Fetches features matching [query] (and an optional [cql] query) from this
/// source.
/// If both [query] and [cql] are provided, then a service returns only
/// features that match both [query] AND the [cql] query.
/// This call accesses only one set of feature items (number of returned items
/// can be limited).
Future<OGCFeatureItems> items(
BoundedItemsQuery query, {
CQLQuery? cql,
/// Fetches features as paged sets matching [query] (and an optional [cql]
/// query) from this source.
/// If both [query] and [cql] are provided, then a service returns only
/// features that match both [query] AND the [cql] query.
/// This call returns a first set of feature items (number of returned items
/// can be limited), with a link to an optional next set of feature items.
Future<Paged<OGCFeatureItems>> itemsPaged(
BoundedItemsQuery query, {
CQLQuery? cql,

Queries for items and itemsPaged are normally specified by BoundedItemsQuery instances:

/// An optional coordinate reference system used by [bbox].
final CoordRefSys? bboxCrs;
/// An optional [bbox] as a geospatial bounding filter (like `bbox`).
final Box? bbox;
/// An optional time frame as a temporal object (ie. instant or interval).
final Temporal? timeFrame;
/// An optional id defining a coordinate reference system for result data.
final CoordRefSys? crs;
/// Optional query parameters for queries as a map of named parameters.
final Map<String, dynamic>? parameters;
/// An optional [limit] setting maximum number of items returned.
final int? limit;

Methods accessing multiple feature items return a future of `OGCFeatureItems“ which provides:

/// The wrapped feature collection.
final FeatureCollection<Feature> collection;
/// Links related to this object.
Links get links;
/// An optional coordinate reference system from "Content-Crs" response
/// header.
final CoordRefSys? contentCrs;
/// The time stamp
DateTime? get timeStamp;
/// An optional count of items matched.
int? get numberMatched;
/// An optional count of items returned.
int? get numberReturned;

Feature objects are available from the collection property. See the geospatial features chapter in the geobase package for more information about Feature and FeatureCollection objects.

The queryables metadata from a feature source is provide information about queryable properties that a service supports:

/// Represents `Queryables` document for an OGC API service parsed from JSON
/// Schema data.
class OGCQueryableObject {
/// JSON Schema based data representing `Queryables` document for an OGC API
/// service.
/// This is data that is directly parsed from JSON Schema data an OGC API
/// Service has published. Use this for more detailed inspection of
/// Queryables metadata when other class members are not enough.
final Map<String, dynamic> content;
/// The URI of the resource without query parameters.
final String id;
/// The schema id of JSON Schema data in content.
/// Should be either "" or
/// "" according to the
/// `OGC API - Features - Part 3: Filtering` standard.
final String schemaId;
/// The human readable title for this queryable object.
final String title;
/// An optional human readable description.
final String? description;
/// If true, any properties are valid in filter expressions even when not
/// declared in a queryable schema.
final bool additionalProperties;
/// A map of queryable properties for this queryable object.
/// The map key represents a property name (that is accessible also from
/// the `name` property of `OGCQueryableProperty` object).
/// NOTE: currently this contains only non-geospatial properties that SHOULD
/// have at least "type" and "title" attributes.
final Map<String, OGCQueryableProperty> properties;
/// A queryable non-geospatial property.
class OGCQueryableProperty {
/// The property name.
final String name;
/// The human readable title for this property.
final String title;
/// An optional human readable description.
final String? description;
/// The type for this property.
/// According to the `OGC API - Features - Part 3: Filtering` standard a type
/// SHOULD be one of the following:
/// * `string` (string or temporal properties)
/// * `number` / `integer` (numeric properties)
/// * `boolean` (boolean properties)
/// * `array` (array properties)
/// In practise different OGC API Features implementations seem also to use
/// different specifiers for types.
final String type;